Friday, February 3, 2012

Fighting the Good Fight

I'm remembering a line from a movie I watched a while back, where a character who is a priest explains to another priest that, "pretending that evil does not exsist, does not keep you safe from it."

From the first moment I heard those words, I felt that they were some of the most profound I had ever heard.  For evil does truly exist.

It takes on gruesome shapes and sounds in our childhood and in our dreams.  But what ways do we see it in everyday life that is just as scary.  I feel its presence everyday.  I feel it stalk the people and places that I love.  I see it in peoples words and actions, and I feel a call to be vigilant.

Some might think I am paranoid.  Or asking for trouble but I do not think this is the case.  Doesn't the Bible ask us to be ready.  Doesn't it tell us to pray constantly. 

Wouldn't the source of all evil be totally offended today if we all were kind to one another?   Or if we showed patience and love instead of anger and selfishness?  Find one time today to fight the good fight and let me know how it goes.