Monday, January 2, 2012

My New Year Resolution---I hope.

I don't think I have ever been real serious about the whole New Years resolution thing.  It always seemed that it was a bit of a jinx for anything you really wanted to accomplish!  Sorta like the reseason rankings for football teams--its the kiss of death!

But I knew I had some serious mental/spiritual issues going on for quite some time now and denial  (although one of my favorite talents I have locked on to in later years) was not gonna do it for me this time.  Not without a possible trip to the funny farm (I guess I better scrap that phrase since Missy wants to be a physcologist)!

Anyhoo, I admit whole heartedly that I have locked on to "worry" like it is my drug of choice!!  It sucks.  If I am sitting in traffic--I worry.   If I wake up in the middle of the night--I worry.  If I am sitting and watching TV--I worry.  Get the picture?   Its my go to.    And it has interferred with my ability to have joy in my life for quite a while now.

But something a priest talked about one day at Mass kept coming back to me over and over.  He has a horrible fear of flying and had come to the realization that worrying about it wasnt going to keep that plane in the air.  Trust in science--trust the pilot--really trust God.....and GET on the plane.

Now I know what I have to do because worry isn't going to keep my kids safe, add money to thier bank account(or mine!),get my daughter into the college of her dreams, make my husband happy at his job,take 5 inches off my waist or any number of things I keep on that damn worry list!

I am going to start practising what I preach to those who listen to me(scarry huh?)  The kids at my Confirmation class, my children and the friends I have that think I have a brain(I love you guys!).  I am going to remeber the words of Psalms I saw on FB the other day--"When I am afraid, I will trust in You".  (It is a good thing that scripture found Facebook or was it the other way around?)  Thats what worry is for me, fear.  And I'm tired of being afraid.

"When I am afraid, I will trust in You." Ps 56:3

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