Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking a breathe.

I was starting to think that I was never going to get back to writing these, but HELLO blog friends!

This past week--dare I say the last month, ending with last week, has been a bit on the emotional side.  And for those of you who know me, I am NOT afraid of emotions--good --bad, or otherwise!

But when you cram surgery,wedding, kidney stones, death and birth in a short amount of time, its really not surprising to feel a bit worn out.   Don't get me wrong, the birth of our first granbaby has been an experience in a half!  The biggest surprise ever and joy, joy, joy!  Its like he's been here all along--just part of the family only cuter!

But all these emotions are like some kind of crazy adrenelin rush, that just will not stop.  You can only say, "This too shall pass!"  so many times and it starts to sound repeditive!!!  In the grand scheme of things I know I am ok and eveyone close to me is too.  But personally, I feel like we are on a life boat right now and are waiting to get to shore.  I can SEE the shore but we are not there yet.  Each of us have individual issues and for me(as usual)  it is control.  I need to make sure that all my little chicks are safely under my wings.  This has always been my reaction to severe change--I guess I'll never change!

So for the near future my prayer is for a safe and simple life for myself and my family.  We are surrounded by the love and support of so many family and friends that care for us. We will rest in that fact.  We will enjoy the simple things in life like family dinners, a walk in the pasture and big hugs from friends.

As my youngest reminds me from time to time, "Breathe in peace, breathe out grace".

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