Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Who know getting started AGAIN would be this difficult?

For the majority of my youth, I truly believed that , in one way or another, I was destined to write.  I didn't know the exact path, but I would go to college (OU of course,duh!) and then make my way in the world as an author of some kind.  I would work in this creative super world that I had always dreamed of.  I would own a huge farm house with billowing curtains, a small family living on the outskirts of the property to help me with the upkeep, an enourmous pool and deck to relax by, and a daily feeling of drive, challenge and accomplishment that would surround me each and everyday.

Nice plan--didn't happen--I'll get to that later--perhaps.   But I've tried to get back on course on more than one occasion--still not quite there, but I cannot seem to give up on the idea in one shape or form completely.  Time is ticking in this ol' life and I cannot bear regrets!!  I know I'm getting older--I own mirrors!  But I still feel like that girl in 1981 that thought it was all going to fall into place!  Newsflash!  Nothing falls into place--it doesn't even stay in place when we put it there.  But alas, I know that I still want to write and I still don't know in what way or form.

So until that works it self out I have writing projects underway.  More on that later(and why).  My daughter is my inspiration, I am her self appointed "Momager" in her life to get her to where she needs to be in life.  And I have found it a bit hollow sounding as I bark out advice and instruction that I not follow those rantings myself.

Each of my three project has a different medium and a different objective.  This blog will serve as my "rant", "sharing" or "confessional".  This is an exercise to write more, think more and organize those thoughts  like (I dare say this) a professional writer.  I've got to try and I've got to start somewhere.  Working the brain muscle is going to suck for a while but I hope that this proves addictive for me!

Say a pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. First lesson in writing-Proof read your title also!!! Who knew--makes more sense!
